Smt. V Shilpa
7th floor, VMRDA Udyog Bhavan, Siripuram
Ph.No: 98660 76913

Hand Book for
Layout Approval Process
Andhra Pradesh Land Development
( Layout and Sub-Division ) Rules, 2017
Andhra Pradesh Building Rules, 2017 Online
Layout Regulation System (LRS)
Application cum Scrutiny Form List of
Licensed Technical Personnel(LTPs)
Master Plan for VMR - 1989


      The Planning Wing, headed by Chief Urban Planner, mainly deals with the preparation of Master plans, Zonal Development Plans, Layout plans, Regulation & enforcement in strict implementation of sanctioned plans. Also deals with the Special Development Authority (SDA) constituted for the development and preparation of Master Plan for the Visakhapatnam - Kakinada Petroleum, Chemical and Petrochemical Investment Region (VK-PCPIR).



  • The present Master Plan – 2021 prepared earlier for the erstwhile VMR area consisting of only 1721 Sq.Kms. was sanctioned by Government vide G.O.Ms.No.345 dated 30-06-2006 covering to 287 villages comprising 5 Urban centers of Visakhapatnam, Vizianagaram, Anakapalli, Bheemunipatnan and Gajuwaka. The same is in force and it will be in force till the approval of revised Master Plan.
  • Subsequently the Government has extended the VMRDA limits to 5573 Sq.Kms. vide GO.Ms.No.525 of MA & UD Dept, dt.30-07-2008.
  • Recently the Government has proposed to constitute Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region Development Authority (VMRDA) and further extended the VMR limits to 6764.59 Sq.Kms in GO.Ms.No.26, dt.08.02.2016 covering four Districts of Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, Visakhapatnam & East Godavari (1340 villages covering in 50 Mandals), three Municipal Corporations viz. GVMC, Vizianagaram and Srikakulam; three Municipalities – Amudalavalasa, Tuni, Yalamanchili; two Nagarapanchayats – Rajam and Nellimarla.
     VMRDA has taken up the preparation of Master Plan for the entire VMRDA including review and revision of existing Master Plan and preparation of Zonal Development Plans for VMR region of 6764.59 Sq.kms. Also proposed to incorporate the VK-PCPIR, SDA area consisting of 640 Sq.kms. as an integral part of the proposed Master Plan. The Master Plan preparation work was entrusted to the consultant to M/s. LEA Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. (LASA). The project period is 2 years and the Master Plan preparation work is commenced in August, 2016 and expected to be completed by August, 2018 as per the timeline.


  • To cater to the Housing demand of EWS category, provision was made in the zoning regulations to earmark 10% of the plotted area to EWS category. The same was successfully implemented with true spirit in all layouts approved by VMRDA.
  • This initiative was taken up by VMRDA in the state other than HMDA.
  • HMDA is insisting for 5% of plotted area for EWS category where as VMRDA is reserving 10% of the total plotted area towards EWS categories.
  • VMRDA has earmarked EWS Plots in all the layouts approved by VMRDA since 2004.


Layout Regulation Scheme was introduced by the Government on 31-12- 2007 vide Go.Ms.No.902, M.A. dated 31-12-2007 for regulation of unapproved / illegal layouts. VMRDA received a total of 20336 applications and out of which 9332 were regulated and 6232 were rejected and 4772 applicants (in process) were informed to pay balance charges and submit shortfalls. In order to dispose the LRS applications without much delay, VMRDA conducted several Special derives (MELAS) for the benefit of the applicants for submission of required particulars and payment of fees.


As per layout norms in vogue, the layout developer has to complete the development of layout in full shape within the stipulated time (three years as per the present conditions). In some instances, the developer is leaving the layout without developing after obtaining the L.P number and selling away the plots. In such situations the general public who has purchased the plots in said layout are becoming the victims and approaching VMRDA for taking action against the developer. In view of the above, VMRDA introduced plots mortgage system from 2004 onwards in all the layouts approved by VMRDA to ensure the development of the layout in all aspects by the developer. As per the system the developers have to mortgage 15% of plotted area in the layout through registered gift deed to VMRDA and incase the layout developer fails to develop the layout with all infrastructure facilities, the developments will be completed by disposing the mortgaged plots. In general the release of mortgaged plots in the approved layouts shall be pending for the following reasons.
Some layouts are pending for payment of NALA charges to the Revenue Authorities.
  • The developer failed to develop the layout in full shape and did not approach VMRDA for release of plots.
  • The developer completed the layout within the stipulated time and handed over the roads and open spaces to concerned local body but the local body has not given clearance in time.
  • The developer developed the layout in all aspects but not handed over the open spaces and roads to local body in time or never.
  • The developer completed the layout in all aspects except paying the NALA conversion charges. In this connection.
  • Other specific reasons like non submission of required NOCs etc

5. Online processing and Approval of Building Plans:
  (click here for Online Application

As on date, the entire process of building plan approval system is being operated manually in a traditional way on for several years with no progress in the increased efficiency and speedy disposal of the approval system. Due to manual system, the applicants were dissatisfied of delays in the approval and the lengthy paper works. In order to cut short the delay in processing the Building applications the Government has recently introduced the online AP Development Permission Management System (APDPMS) for the entire State of Andhra Pradesh for an effective monitoring and Data management system for achieving transparency and also for easy implementation so as to encourage faster development.
Further the Government is also contemplating to introduce the online disposal of layouts in the State facilitating the ‘Ease of Doing Business’ for sustainable development.
However, at present all the layout applications and all other miscellaneous correspondence is being routed through online e-office file management system.


The preparation of Master Plan for VK-PCPIR area was entrusted to M/s. LEA Associates, New Delhi. The consultants have submitted the draft Master Plan. The publication of Master Plan is held up due to pending amendment to the boundaries of the region. The Master Plan will be finalized soon after the completion of the amendment of the boundaries, CRZ study, Environmental impact assessment study and marine ecology study.


In order to control the haphazard development of unapproved layouts and to promote planned development, the VMRDA has taken stringent measures like issuing notices to developers, removal of demarcated plot stones, disturbing unplanned roads, issuing Press releases cautioning the general public not to purchase plots in unauthorized layouts. The concerned local authorities i.e. Gram Panchayats/Municipalities are requested to put up the list of unauthorized layouts in their Notice Boards, to give wide publicity and to take action to remove the unauthorized layouts. The local authorities are also cautioned not to grant any Building permission in the unauthorized layouts. The concerned Sub-Registrars are also requested not to register the plots in unauthorized layouts without due information to the District Collector. The up to date information is being placed in VMRDA website for public information.
The VMRDA has delegated the powers of development control to the Gram Panchayats vide G.O.Ms.No.408 MA, dt.08-08-1991. The Gram Panchayats are empowered to issuing the following permissions.
  • Grant of only Residential building permissions for Ground+2 floors in approved layouts of Urban Development Authorities subject to the condition that the height of the building shall not exceed 10.00 metres and the plot area is below 1,000 Square metres.
  • Residential building permission in village settlement areas (subject to the condition that the Panchayats shall get the plan for extended village settlement area approved by Urban Development Authority).
  • Row-type shopping (however they should be limited to village settlements area and on roads of 40 feet and below) subject to Urban Development Authority Regulations.
  • Plot sub-division permissions in the Urban Development Authority approved layouts.
  • The Gram Panchayats shall not approve plans in old panchayat layouts before getting such old layouts regularized by Urban Development Authority, following prescribed procedure.
  • They shall take action on the unauthorized constructions.
Similarly, VMRDA has delegated all the powers of development control including demolition of Buildings taking action on unauthorized constructions in respect of Municipalities / Municipal Corporations as per the Government orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.523 MA, dt.25-09-1986 and G.O.Ms.No.502 MA, dt.23-10-1991,

The Government has recently issued AP Building rules, 2017 in G.O.Ms.No.119 MA, dt.28-03-2017 for regulating and issue building permissions in the entire State. All the building applications shall be scrutinized as per these rules.

The Government has similarly issued the Andhra Pradesh Land Development (Layout and Sub-division) Rules, 2017 vide G.O.Ms.No.275 MA & UD (H) Department, dt.18-07-2017. All the layouts and sub-divisions applications shall be scrutinized as per these rules.

The development charges are levied for all the Building permissions, Layout/Sub-division permissions, Change of land use as per the rates prescribed by the Government vide Go.Ms.No.439, MA dated 13-6-2007.

The Government has issued guidelines in respect of development of Economic cities in the State of Andhra Pradesh to create walk to worth environment by providing good quality of life vide G.O.Ms.No.244 MA dt.13-10-2016.

VMRDA approved about 1556 private layouts in the entire VMR since its inception in 1978. (full data link)

VMRDA also developed about 53 layouts of various plotted development schemes, housing schemes, weaker section housing schemes, apartments etc., at various locations like Visakhapatnam, Madhurawada, Tagarapuvalasa, Bheemunipatnam, Vizianagaram, Gajuwaka, Anakapalli, Chinamushidiwada, Sontyam, Dakamarri. The details of Layouts approved by VMRDA is given below (details):
S.No Type of Layouts Total No. of Layouts Extent (Acs. Cts) Total No. of plots
1 VMRDA Developed Layouts 53 1703.55 12092
2 House Building Societies 88 1650.82 13072
3 Rehabilitations 32 847.01 16836
4 Private Layouts 1305 17894.71 146555
5 VMRDA Joint Ventures 9 342.34 7894
6 APIIC & Others 69 5834.70 11848
TOTAL 1556 26273.13 204295

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